2020 Virtual Race Directors Conference

With the insurmountable challenges the global pandemic has brought to the event market place in 2020, Triathlon Alberta is teaming up with Triathlon BC and Triathlon Canada to deliver a special, COVID-19 oriented National Race Directors Workshop over the weekend of November 28th & 29th, collectively bringing Race Directors from across Canada together and up to speed with timely topics and sufficient lead time to allow for 2021 activation!

Due to the current landscape and restrictions around mass gatherings, the Race Directors Summit will be FREE  to event organizers across Canada and streamed live, through the Zoom platform.  Recognizing limits to Zoom Conferences, the sessions will take place over two days, with each day being limited to approximately 4 hours, allowing for the greatest amount of flexibility and maximum focus.

The Summit will be facilitated by seasoned race announcer Steve Fleck, and will feature industry experts discussing timely topics that include event safety, diversity and inclusion, new event formats, communication, waivers and attestations, virtual racing and more.  Geared to all multisport events, regardless of budget or participation rates, the two-day Conference promises engaging and relevant presentations, with sufficient time for questions and answers.

An updated agenda (draft) is provided below:


  • Introductions / Welcome / Connections
    Steve Fleck, Commentator / Master of Ceremonies / Race Announcer

  • Keynote: Inclusion & Diversity
    Carey Newman, Audain Professor, University of Victoria Visual Arts

  • Return to Sport: Swim Safety
    Tim Dale, Swim Safety Expert

  • Volunteer Recruitment
    Stephen Bourdeau, General Manager, World Triathlon Edmonton

Bio Break/Networking

  • New Event Formats
    Ghislain Melancon, Operations Manager, World Triathlon Montreal / Eric Noel, Race Director, World Triathlon Montreal

  • Racing at Home: Creating the Narrative & National Communication Strategy
    Chris Dornan, Communications Manager, Triathlon Canada

  • Virtual Racing with FulGaz
    Mike Clucas, Founder

  • Pan-Canadian Round Table
    Steve Fleck

Session B – 8:30am PST SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 MORNING 2

  • Introductions / Welcome / Connections
    Steve Fleck, Commentator / Master of Ceremonies / Race Announcer

  • Keynote: Inclusion & Diversity
    Rach McBride, Non-binary Gender Advocate

  • Medical / COVID – Excellence, Hygiene, Communications
    Dr. MC Gregoire, Medical Delegate, World Triathlon

  • Critical Incident Communications
    Jonathan Gormick, Public Information Officer, Vancouver Fire Rescue

  • Waivers, Attestations & Insurance
    Steve Indig, Partner, Sport Law & Strategy Group

Bio Break/Networking

  • World Championship Qualification
    Rachel Macatee, Sport Development Officer, Triathlon Canada

  • National Triathlon Registration System (NTRS)
    Phil Mowatt, CEO, Interpodia

  • Communications / Social Media / Web Presence
    Caroll Taiji, Brand Director, Taiji Brand Group

  • Connected Closure
    Steve Fleck 

 Registration is free for this event.


If you have any further questions, please contact our office at coordinator@triathlonalberta.ca



Training Tip Tuesday Nov/Dec 2020


Training Tip Tuesday Sept/Oct 2020