Training Tip Tuesday Jan/Feb 2021
Training Tip #47 (February 16th 2021)
I’ve found 5 to 10 minutes of daily meditation practice to be a huge reward-per-minute activity. Focused meditation not only helps manage my ADD symptoms but deep, focused, meditative breathing may help increase HRV and vagal tone—both super important for recovery and general well-being.
- Rach McBride, Pro Ironman
Training Tip #46 (February 2nd 2021)
Focus on the present and take it one thing/day at a time. Don’t get too overwhelmed worrying about the past (you are not losing all that fitness!) or stressing about the future (when will we race next, will I be swim fit, will I race this year?). Past and present worry is just a waste of energy and creates unnecessary stress.
- Linsey Corbin, Pro Ironman
Training Tip #45 (January 19th 2021)
Using your own body weight with a circuit-type program can be an effective way to maintain strength and aerobic health in a short period of time. These workouts can incorporate a variety of movements that don’t require equipment
- Dr Richard Hinton, Sports Medicine
Training Tip #44 (January 5th 2021)
Stay in touch with your fitness community online. Get together online and do a group workout virtually to keep each other motivated.
- Dr Wiemi Douoguih, Sports Medicine