Legacy shines in Edmonton with the Edmonton Triathlon Academy

When you think of triathlon and Edmonton, you can't help but think of the Edmonton Triathlon Academy - after all, it is right in the name! With a twelve-year history, the Edmonton Triathlon Academy has been a staple of the city as well as triathlon province-wide since the early 2010s.

Founded in 2013 as a legacy of the 2001 Edmonton ITU World Championships, the program has helped introduce dozens of young and inspiring athletes to the sport of triathlon while helping them develop skills to assist them in all areas of life.

The athletes can often be seen at the Kinsmen Sports Centre in the pool or on the track as well as locations throughout Edmonton's beautiful landscape when the weather is no longer in the negatives with athletes getting to use the nature of the River Valley, the Alberta Legislature Grounds, and Edmonton Research Park along with the Kinsmen Centre.

Programming starts for kids aged eight with the Swim, Run, Fun! program that emphasizes the development of physical literacy in swimming and running in an inviting environment. The program is meant to compliment other sports programs while introducing kids to the basics of triathlon. The program runs three times a week and is geared towards ages eight to twelve.

As youths grow older, the Edmonton Triathlon Academy offers programs such as the Intro to Tri program that is designed to let older youth sample the sport of triathlon emphasizing gaining confidence in their swim, bike, and run skills with training three times a week.

The ETA also offers programming for youth wanting to take their triathlon skills to the next level with their Development Squad, focusing on enhancing technique, fitness, and the skills required to successful perform and compete in triathlon across the province and country. Athletes in the program have the flexibility to choose the training that best suits their competitive pathway.

"I believe in providing and nurturing a positive training and competition environment, where the athletes and coaches work collaboratively towards athletic and competition goals, creating and growing a culture of excellence." explains interim head coach, Bjorn Kinding." This starts with a common understanding and genuine desire to improve, and we bring intention and purpose to all levels and aspects of training and encourage individual and group ownership of these aspects, all baked in the energizing light of fun and adventure."

Bjorn, when asked what the best parts of the ETA were, responded "In my short time with the ETA, I have found the board members, coaching staff, athletes, and parents to be very open and accepting, supporting and encouraging, and a wonderful core group of athletes with unique perspectives and experiences - this has fostered a positive and growth-oriented approach to the training sessions and progressions."

The club has many events on their calendar this year to keep their youth active and busy including the Elbow Valley Draft Legal Triathlon which will be the host of the Youth & Junior Provinces, and the Do North Triathlon in August and races part of Triathlon Alberta's Youth & Junior Cup. Many of their athletes will also compete in races in British Columbia and Saskatchewan as part of the Western Canada Development Series.

Athletes interested in joining the ranks of athletes in the ETA are encouraged to visit their website at edmontontriathlonacademy.com.


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