Red Deer, Give It a Tri!

Triathlon Alberta, the governing body of the sport of triathlon and multisport for the province, is proud to announce a new triathlon program in Red Deer.

ICanTri Red Deer is a social training program offered at the Recreation Centre for ages 5 to 17, whether they are looking to give triathlon a try or have been a regular on the triathlon scene. It is perfect for those looking to improve their swimming skills and prepare for triathlon events.

The program, offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 5pm is currently focusing on the swim portion of triathlon with the ambition to grow in the future. With the swim portion of the sport being the most technical, it made sense to start there.

"We are very excited to finally gain ground in the Red Deer area!" said Alexander Patton, Triathlon Alberta's Provincial Sport Development Coordinator. "Red Deer is Alberta's third largest city and hosts one of the largest youth triathlons in the province. It just makes sense to have a program there."

The program, led by a certified triathlon coach, is based on Triathlon Alberta's ICanTri youth model with different levels and goals for each stage of development. The ICanTri program is new with plans to roll it out across the province to clubs, youth programs, schools, and summer camps. Similar to swimming, the program consists of levels with goals for each one.

Sign up is on a per-session basis with a fee of $10 per session - or a discounted rate if you sign up for a full month.

"Triathlon is a unique sport that, while individual, can also have a team atmosphere. Our goal is to introduce the sport to the next generation of athletes and grow the sport throughout the province, not just Edmonton and Calgary." explained Sebastian Porten, the Executive Director of Triathlon Alberta.

"We encourage anyone who may be interested in trying something new to give it a test run!" continued Porten.

Registration and contact information can be found in the calendar.


Get Ready for an Unforgettable Summer at Edmonton's Triathlon Camps!