Triathlon Alberta Member COVID-19 Guidelines for Training


  • Coaches and Athletes MUST use the self-screening tool before coming to a workout. Staff members, coaches, parents or guardians and athletes MUST NOT ATTEND any training session if they have any symptoms, including; fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, and a general feeling of being unwell. If in doubt, please follow the screening checklist on our website. If you have answered “YES” to any of the questions on the screening checklist, DO NOT attend.

  • Have an Emergency Action plan in place. Be aware of the nearest hospital and have a charged cell phone in case of emergency.

  • All workout participants review and sign a new waiver including COVID 19 issues

  • Triathlon Alberta recommends parents not attend training sessions if possible.


  • Carpooling should be avoided. Cars should park leaving at least one space in between.  Participants to arrive less than 15 minutes ahead of their training session. Limit all occasions for congregation of parents or athletes in parking lot or gathering areas.


  • Briefing to remind participants of rules in place

  • All participants should follow proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. No spitting, snot rockets, cough into your elbow.

  • Physical distancing of 2m (one bike length) between all persons must be adhered to before, during and after the training session.

  • Do not shake hands or high five to celebrate or embrace.

  • Limit attendance to only those who are integral to the activity. Limit of 10 persons.

  • Each participant should use self-owned disinfected equipment.

  • Passing during a run or a bike is only allowed when safe to do so following the 2-meter social distancing rule

  • Stagger the start of multiple training sessions by 30 mins to minimize overlap of participants finishing with those arriving to start their training session.

  • When taking breaks, be conscious of group bunching, intersections, and anywhere else social distancing becomes a challenge.

  • No sharing of food/tools/water bottles.

  • Consider bringing a mask and personal hand sanitizer

  • Be aware that changing facilities/washrooms may not be open, use at home

  • Please make every effort to ensure that athletes remain in the same group throughout weekly training, exposing them to a minimum number of different training partners.

*This list of guidelines is not all-inclusive for participating in group training and may change over time. For more information, please contact your club and/or Triathlon Alberta at


Training Tip Tuesday July/August 2020


NCCP Multi-Sport Online Modules